Anxiety and Adrenaline
Anxiety and adrenaline go hand in hand. Most of us dealing with anxiety have an adrenaline cycle coursing through our bodies. As most of us know, adrenaline is highly corrosive to our bodies. To heal from anxiety, it is imperative that we lower the adrenaline in our bodies and break the destructive adrenaline cycles that are perpetuating anxiety.
To understand the effects of adrenaline and the adrenaline cycle, I’m first going to explain what’s physically creating anxiety in our bodies. Most of us with anxiety have the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). As this virus becomes stronger it goes after our nerves, vagus nerve and nervous system. This attack to our nerves and nervous system in addition to heavy metals in the brain wreaks havoc in our bodies and cause anxiety. Raw and exposed nerves and mis firings in our brains are the culprits of anxiety.
To heal anxiety, we need to starve the EBV of what it likes to eat. One if it’s favorite foods is adrenaline. The EBV feeds and thrives on adrenaline. The more adrenaline our bodies produce, the stronger the virus becomes.
With anxiety, the adrenaline coursing through our bodies becomes cyclical. When we are stressed, our bodies produce adrenaline. This extra adrenaline is what feeds the virus that creates anxiety in our bodies. As the virus gets stronger is does further damage to our nervous system, which creates more anxiety that produces even more adrenaline. As a result, we develop an adrenaline cycle in our bodies. Doing too much and pushing our bodies creates stress which supplies more adrenaline to this cycle. To heal anxiety, we must put an end to this adrenaline cycle.
Most of us with anxiety also have adrenal fatigue. Anxiety and the adrenaline cycle over a long period of time will lead to adrenal fatigue causing, as the name suggests, fatigue (more like exhaustion) and irregular sleep patterns. (Check out the Medical Medium’s blog for adrenal snacks you can eat to heal your adrenal glands.)
If you’re healing from anxiety, it’s important to tune in and listen to your body. It’s hard in today’s world to live stress free but we can take steps to eliminate anything from our lives that could be creating extra stress. This is where tuning in helps. Are there any toxic relationships that are causing you stress? Are there any chores or activities you can hand over so that you can focus on healing? Are you pushing yourself too hard?
I had to learn to stop being hard on myself to break the adrenaline cycle in my body. After I stopped pushing and demanding perfection from myself is, I saw major improvements in healing anxiety.
With anxiety, I know it’s easy to feel overwhelmed so take one day at a time. Be kind to yourself and gentle with your healing. Your angels are with you and love you.
Lots of love and healing to you.