Healing Anxiety
For those of you reading this with anxiety, I first want you to know that you have done nothing wrong…
I have made huge strides in healing from anxiety. Now that I’m mostly better, I feel it is imperative to stress the need for compassion and understanding for those with anxiety. Now that the fog has lifted, I can clearly see what was going on in my body and that it wasn’t my fault. Anxiety, in my opinion, is one of the most misunderstood illnesses today. I call it an illness because although it’s referred to an anxiety disorder by the medical community it’s also grouped under mental illnesses. Therefore, I feel it is important to remember that it is an illness. The same amount of compassion that is given to someone who is sick with any other illness, needs to be shared with those who have anxiety as well.
When I think back over the 20 years I was dealing with anxiety, I’m filled with anger and frustration but mostly sadness at the lack of compassion and understanding. I have no before and pictures to share because this is an invisible illness. Meaning, on the outside I’ve always looked happy and healthy. Unfortunately, I felt horrible on the inside. I was suffering. As the anxiety illness I had got progressively worse, it became more debilitating. Before finding Anthony William’s information, the “help” I received from the medical and holistic health community was archaic at best. Because anxiety is so terribly misunderstood, the “support” I received from family and friends was inappropriate and negligent.
Based on my experience, anxiety is an illness that’s rooted from feelings, is fed by feelings, and can be healed with feelings. Intense feelings. I believe there are so many more adults and children suffering from anxiety than the medical or holistic health community realizes.
So many of us suffer in silence because of the tremendous amount of shame associated with anxiety. I felt as if I had failed when I finally sought out help for anxiety, due to societal, peer, and family expectations. Those I turned to for help further shamed me by reminding me that what I was feeling was not normal. While perhaps well intentioned, it only fueled my feelings of shame, guilt, and embarrassment. I consistently received so much judgement from others in addition to the judgement I placed on myself. I started to internalize the belief that I was hearing externally, “It’s all in your head.” Essentially the message I heard was, “I’m not enough.” This couldn’t be further from the truth.
When seeking out help from the medical and holistic health community, it inevitably involved a doctor or health practitioner sitting in a seat of authority dictating to me what I was doing incorrectly and what they thought I needed to do or change. Unfortunately, this situation creates an environment where we further believe and are taught not to trust ourselves. Many times I was encouraged to keep pushing myself to get over my anxiety. With the information I know now, this is a horrible approach because it perpetuates anxiety and can make it get worse.
What’s going on physically to cause anxiety? Well, it’s not a serotonin imbalance. In fact, it has nothing to do with serotonin. Anxiety is the result of a virus(es) and heavy metals in the body. These viruses, usually Epstein-Barr, produce neurotoxins which adhere to, damage, and inflame our nerves, including our vagus nerve. These viruses severely compromise our nervous system. The heavy metals in our brain and body further exacerbate anxiety because they interfere with neurotransmitter activity. Without an abundant supply of glucose in our brain and body, these short-circuited electrical impulses worsen anxiety. Additionally, when we have anxiety, our body pumps out adrenaline. Not only is adrenaline incredibly toxic and corrosive to our bodies, but these viruses feed and thrive on adrenaline. When we’re advised to “push” ourselves, the anxiety perpetuates and worsens as our bodies produce excess adrenaline which in turns feeds the viruses, making them stronger.
A shift in lifestyle is essential to heal from anxiety. I strongly recommend a diet that starves and kills these viruses while also flushing out heavy metals from your body. A diet and lifestyle that significantly brings down adrenaline in the body is necessary. Self-care is needed at a whole new level. Self-care activities such as exercising, taking baths, journaling and just creating are wonderful starts. However, a fierce self-love and self-acceptance must be nurtured as well. Finally, I can’t say enough about the power of prayer and surrendering.
Our health care, whether conventional or holistic, needs to help people on a peer level. Trust in your own body needs to be fostered for those with anxiety. Ultimately, we know our bodies best.
I am dedicated to bringing light and healing to those with anxiety. By airing out anxiety and other mental health issues, there will be no more suffering in silence. I see all of you with anxiety. I’m here for you. Lots of love to you all.